From 2013-2015, the study Comparative analysis of media representations of gender violence in the press (Análise comparativa das representações mediáticas da violência de género na imprensa) aimed to understand, from a qualitative and quantitative perspective, how Portugal’s largest circulation newspapers, in their online versions, had been representing gender violence, the prominence given to gender violence issues and how the different actors of the stories of violence were being represented.
The study was undertaken by Dália Costa and Maria João Cunha.
From 2012 to 2013, the study Memories and Feminisms – Life courses of women in the twentieth century in Portugal (“Memórias e feminismos – Percursos de vida de mulheres no século XX em Portugal”) was undertaken as part of an historical perspective of valuing women’s memory who are still alive. The project captured the voice of women from several regions of the country, interpreting new sources, breaking silences, (re)defining their routes, tracing the evolution of their lives in the last century, through their thoughts and actions.
The research team involved Manuela Tavares (Coord.) and Helena Sant’Ana
In 2014-2015, the project Disability Rights Promotion International was undertaken. DRPI was a global initiative aiming to monitor the human rights of men and women with disabilities; funded by the Swedish International Development Agency, and coordinated by Professor Marcia Rioux (York University, Canada) and Bengt Lindvist (Former UN Special Rapporteur for Disability). This final phase of the project started in February 2014 and ended October 2015.
It involved a budget for Portugal of 30.360,31€ and was coordinated by Paula Campos Pinto.
Any further information visit the project's website here.
This pan-European network of academics and specialists in disability policies aimed at providing the European Commission expert advice, analysis and independent scientific information on the status of disability policies in every European country, taking into account the European Disability Strategy and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD). ANED, which had as scientific board Professor Mark Priestley from University of Leeds, was represented in Portugal by CIEG’s researcher Paula Campos Pinto who also integrated the ANED’s coordination center at the European level.
The project “Gender Equality in Unions” was advanced by CIEG (Interdisciplinary Centre of Gender Studies) and was coordinated by Dália Costa. It worked with UGT (União Geral de Trabalhadores) through its Women’s Commission. The main goal of the project was to define theoretical and conceptual orientations for the development and implementation of the Equality Plans for Unions, as well as general guidelines. This was achieved by training and empowering some unions of UGT, in order for them to elaborate their own equality plans autonomously.
The study on Intimacy and Disability had four stages. First, the examination of relevant publications on Gender Studies, Disability Studies, and Feminist Disability, with focus on papers focused on women and with an intersectional approach. During this stage, the team received intensive training on Biographic Narrative Interpretative Method and then prepared the instruments to collect primary information. The second stage comprises the field work, including biographic interviews to women with disabilities, semi structured interviews to family members and discussion panels with health professionals and NGOs’ technicians. After the preliminary data analysis, were organized regional seminaries on “Beyond Academy: the mainstreaming of Feminist Disability Studies”, aiming at the mainstreaming of Feminist Disability Studies. The third stage involves a desk-based and interpretative research. During the fourth stage, the research focused on dissemination, including an international conference with the participation of consultants and the engaged institutions. The team issued a document with good practices on the promotion of mainstreaming Feminist Disability Studies in the areas of law, social policies and civil society.
Ana Cristina Santos (Main researcher)
Ana Lúcia Santos
Bruno Sena Martins
Cecília MacDowell Santos
Cláudia Nogueira
Fernando Fontes
Paula Pinto
Lia Neves
The IASPP was a research infrastructure funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT – Ref:RECI/IVC-SOC//0476/2012) focused in social and political attitudes in Portugal, in a comparative analysis from applied surveys and probability samples. Taking into account the recognized base projects, such as the European Social Survey (ESS) or the Portuguese Election Studies (PES), IASPP included the research programs Atitudes Sociais dos Portugueses (ASP) e Atitudes Políticas dos Portugueses (APP). From an interdisciplinary approach (featuring sociologists, political scientists and social psychologists) and an institutional collaboration between ICS-UL, ISCTE-IUL, ISCSP-UL and international partners, IASPP aimed to: allow the social scientific Portuguese community to trace and interpret stability and change in European social attitudes; increase the thoroughness of comparative research; create national evolution indicators, taking into account the perceptions and judgements on key social aspects; train researchers on quantitative methods; increase the visibility od data on social change among academics, political agents and the general public.
Femicide across Europe (2012-2016) (project budget: 6.545€), focused on femicide, a leading cause of premature death for women globally, distinct from homicide and other forms of gender violence. The project drew from an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on both victims and perpetrators, and examining the cultural and psychological causes, as well as their societal implications.
It was funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) and coordinated by Maria José Magalhães.
In 2015-2016, the research-action project Acolher – Intergenerational cooperation for an ethical and responsible turism in rural areas (“Acolher – Cooperação Intergeracional para um Turismo Ético e Responsável em meios rurais”). In this project, young people acquired knowledge about the environmental, historical and cultural heritage of a specific region in the North of the country, supporting the creation of an inter-village network of tour itineraries, with the involvement of local communities. This project aimed to create the conditions to generate new skills for young people, seeking to involve them in activities while they were looking for their first job, were unemployed or did not have opportunities to pursue studies. These ethical and responsible tourism activities were carried out in connection with the local population, especially women, who could create conditions to host visitors from other regions of the country or other countries, generating an Ethical and Responsible Tourism. Funded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Active Citizenship Programme.
The project was coordinated by Manuela Tavares.
For more informations, visit this site.
In 2015, the study on the Services to People With Disabilities in the Mainstream Environment in Europe (2015) (project budget: 6.000,00€) was undertaken. This study was part of a series of study reports published by the European Platform of Rehabilitation aiming to provide evidence of trends and developments in service delivery to people with disabilities. This particular study assessed services from the EPR membership that support the inclusion of men and women with disabilities in mainstream environments.
The project was coordinated by Paula Campos Pinto and Teresa Janela Pinto was one of the team reserchers.
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