CIEG subscribed SAGE - Systematic Action for Gender Equality - Letter of Principles, project financed by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 and coordinated by Lígia Amâncio (CIS-IUL), committing itself to the promotion of gender equality at ISCSP-ULisbon, namely regarding higher education and science.
Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies: Reflexivity, resistance and action
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the II International Congress of CIEG, the Interdisciplinary Centre of Gender Studies, which will take place on July 24-26th, 2019, I want to welcome you.
The topics under debate in this Congress require the contribution of everyone. We aim to deepen our knowledge about gender issues facing our societies today, identifying the progress achieved but also the backlash and forms of resistance, locating the inequalities in their different dimensions and intersections, and reflecting about the mechanisms that may promote gender equality and their impact on public policies, at local and global levels.
And we hope that the knowledge produced through the lively discussions that will take place is also instrumental in fighting social inequalities, sexism, homophobia, racism and all forms of discrimination that threaten the well-being of millions and millions of citizens in our planet on a daily basis.
We count on 3 distinguished keynote speakers, 3 plenary round tables addressing current hot topics and also nearly 170 papers on a variety of topics from the wide field of knowledge that constitutes this scientific domain.
When, in 2016, we organised our I Congress we brought together people from various parts of the world – only 40 of the 270 participants were Portuguese – exceeding our expectations. Debates were lively and cordial and from them two books were issued with papers of great relevance to Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies, as can be found on CIEG’s website and also here.
We hope that you enjoy the meetings, the discussions and also the city of Lisbon, and that you return home wishing to come back for the next Congress.
Anália Torres
Conference chair
You can see all the information, in portuguese and in english, about the II CIEG International Congress here.
Estudos de Género, Feministas e sobre as Mulheres: Reflexividade, resistência e ação
Em nome da Comissão Executiva do II congresso Internacional do CIEG, Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género, que terá lugar de 24 a 26 de Julho de 2019, quero dar-vos as boas vindas.
Os temas em debate no Congresso necessitam do contributo de todos e todas. Pretendemos, entre outras questões prementes, aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as problemáticas de género vividas na atualidade, identificando avanços e progressos mas também recuos e resistências, localizando as desigualdades nos seus diferentes planos e intersecções, refletindo sobre os mecanismos de promoção da igualdade de género e o seu impacto nas políticas públicas ao nível nacional e global.
E esperamos que o conhecimento produzido através deste intercâmbio, que desejamos intenso, seja também instrumental no combate às desigualdades sociais, ao sexismo, à homofobia, ao racismo e a todas as formas de discriminação que hoje ameaçam o quotidiano e o bem estar de milhões de cidadãos e cidadãs do nosso planeta.
Contamos com 3 keynote speakers de grande relevo internacional, com 3 mesas redondas plenárias focando temas prementes e atuais, com 9 mesas semi-plenárias e ainda com cerca de 170 comunicações sobre tópicos variados do vasto campo de conhecimento que constitui este domínio científico.
Quando em 2016 organizámos o nosso primeiro Congresso conseguimos juntar congressistas de várias partes do mundo – em 270 participantes só 40 vinham de Portugal – excedendo as nossas expectativas. Os debates foram vivos, decorreram de forma muito cordial e deram origem a dois livros, como pode ser verificado também no site do CIEG, e aqui, com textos de enorme relevância para o aprofundamento dos estudos de Género, Feministas e sobre as Mulheres.
Esperamos que desfrutem dos encontros, dos debates e também da cidade de Lisboa e que regressem a casa com vontade de voltar para o próximo congresso.
Anália Torres
Coordenadora da Comissão Executiva do Congresso
You can find further information regarding the Congress' programme here.
It is with great joy that we share that CIEG maintains the grade of Excellent after the visit of the international evaluators’ panel within FCT’s Evaluation Process of R&D Units 2017/2018. Acknowledging the merit of the Center’s activity through its seven years of existence, the panel highlighted “the astonishing level of vibrancy and quality in productivity” evidenced by the ratio of publications per researcher (around 2/3 in English); by the success rate of the stream of national and international projects; by the internationalization of the Center’s activities and their social impact, and in the plan of public policies, as well as by the excellence of the strategic plan presented.
The evaluation results can be found here.
In 2014, through public tender, CIEG was selected to undertake, once again, the Evaluation of applications to the 11th edition of the Equality is Quality Award (“Avaliação das candidaturas à 11.ª edição do Prémio Igualdade é Qualidade”) (project budget: 17.200€), for the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG-Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género). In this edition, the project involved a systematic technical assessment of the 17 applications submitted to the award.
CIEG’s Team involved in this project included AnáliaTorres (coord.), Helena Sant'Ana and Dália Costa.
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