

Friday, 09 December 2016 22:52

International Books

Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Anália Torres and Luís Capucha (org.) (2009), Welfare and Everyday Life, Oeiras, Celta Editora.

Rioux, M., Pinto, Paula C. e Parekh, G. (coords.) (2015). Disability, rights monitoring and social change: Building power out of evidence. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.

Torres, Anália (coord.), Dália Costa, Helena Sant’Ana Bernardo Coelho (2016), Sexual Harrassment and Bullying in the Workplace in Portugal, Policy brief, version in English, Lisboa, CITE (in press).

Coelho, Bernardo Anália Torres, Dália Costa, Helena Sant’Ana (2016), Handbook on prevention and combat to sexual harrassment and bullying in the workplace, Lisboa, CITE (in press).

Friday, 09 December 2016 22:50

National Books

Coelho, Bernardo Anália Torres, Dália Costa, Helena Sant’AnaManual de Prevenção e combate ao assédio sexual e moral no local de trabalho, Lisboa, CITE, 2016 (in press).

Amâncio, Lígia, Manuela Tavares, Teresa Joaquim, Teresa Almeida (coords) (2007), O longo caminho das mulheres, feminismos 80 anos depois (The long journey of women, feminisms 80 years later), edições D. Quixote.

Coelho, Bernardo Anália Torres, Dália Costa, Helena Sant’AnaManual de Prevenção e combate ao assédio sexual e moral no local de trabalho, Lisboa, CITE, 2016 (in press).

Costa, Dália (2011) O tempo das Mulheres e dos Homens (The Time of Women and Men), Seixal: Edições CMS.

Cruz, Angélica (2009), Artes de mulheres à altura das suas mãos: o figurado de Galegoso revisitado (Women’s arts up to their hands: the Galegoso figured revisited), Porto: Afrontamento, ISBN:978-972-36-1044-4.

Cruz, AngélicaMaria José Magalhães e Rosa Nunes (Coords.) (2012), Pelo fio se vai à meada: Percursos de Investigação Através de Histórias de Vida (Through the thread to the skein: Research Pathways Through Life Stories) , Lisboa: Ela por Ela. ISBN: 978-972-8860-35-6.

Cruz, AngélicaMaria José Magalhães e Rosa Nunes (Coords.) (2012), Pelo fio se vai à meada: Percursos de Investigação Através de Histórias de Vida (Through the thread to the skein: Research Pathways Through Life Stories) , Lisboa: Ela por Ela. ISBN: 978-972-8860-35-6.

Cunha Silvestre, Maria João (2008). Mass Media e Imagem Corporal: representações e impactos da publicidade da imprensa feminina na imagem corporal das adolescentes (Mass Media and Body Image: representations and impacts of advertising of female press in the female body image of teens) – tese de doutoramento. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

Cunha Silvestre, Maria João (2011). Sociologia da Comunicação - Construções teóricas e aplicações empíricas sobre os impactos sociais dos mass media (Sociology of Communication - Theoretical constructions and empirical applications on the social impacts of the mass media). Lisboa: ISCSP

Cunha Silvestre, Maria João (2014), Corpo e imagem na sociedade de consumo (Body and image in the society of consumption), Lisboa: Clássica Editora.

Leal, Isabel (2015), O público, o privado e o Íntimo. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

Manuela TavaresMaria José Magalhães, Salomé Coelho, Elisa Seixas (Coords.) (2010), Quem tem medo dos feminismos? (Who fears feminisms?), Actas do congresso feminista 2008, vol.I e vol.II, Nova Delphi.

Manuela TavaresMaria José Magalhães, Salomé Coelho, Elisa Seixas (Coords.) (2010), Quem tem medo dos feminismos? (Who fears feminisms?), Actas do congresso feminista 2008, vol.I e vol.II, Nova Delphi.

Martins, Carla (2015), Mulheres, Liderança Política e Media, Lisboa, Alêtheia Editores.

Neves, S.,  Duarte, V., Barbosa, R. C. & Formiga, N. (2015.). Violências na Contemporaneidade no Brasil e em Portugal: Teorias e Práticas. Maia: Edições ISMAI.

Neves, Sofia & Fávero, M. (Coord., 2010). Vitimologia: Ciência e Activismo (Victimology: Science and Activism). Coimbra: Almedina.

Neves, Sofia (2008). Amor, Poder e Violências na Intimidade: os caminhos entrecruzados do pessoal e do político. Coimbra (Love, Power and Violence in Intimacy: the personal and political intersecting paths): Quarteto.

Neves, Sofia (Coord., 2011). Género e Ciências Sociais (Gender and Social Sciences). Castêlo da Maia: Edições ISMAI.

Neves, Sofia (Coord., 2012). Intervenção psicológica e social com vítimas (Volume 1) (Psychological and social intervention with victims (Volume 1)). Coimbra: Almedina.

Neves, Sofia (Coord., 2012). Intervenção psicológica e social com vítimas (Volume 2) (Psychological and social intervention with victims (Volume 2)). Coimbra: Almedina.

Pinto, Paula C. (2012). Dilemas da Diversidade: Interrogando a Deficiência, o Género e o Papel das Políticas Públicas em Portugal (Dilemmas of Diversity: Interrogating Disability, Gender and the Role of Public Policies in Portugal). Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

Rodrigues F. M. e Silva, Manuel Carlos (2015), Cidade, Habitação e Participação. O processo SAAL na Ilha da Bela Vista 1974/76. Porto: Afrontamento, .

Silva, Manuel Carlos (2015), Desigualdade de género e relações de poder: família, educação e trabalho. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Húmus.

Silva, Manuel Carlos (2015), Sina Social Cigana. Lisboa: Colibri.

Tavares, Manuela (2011), Feminismos, percursos e desafios (1947-2007) (Feminisms, pathways and challenges (1947-2007)), Texto Editora. (tese de doutoramento)

Torres, Anália (coord.), Dália Costa, Helena Sant’Ana Bernardo Coelho (2016), Assédio Sexual e Moral no Local de Trabalho, Lisboa, CITE (in press).

Torres, Anália, Ana Marques Lito (org.) (2008), Consumos de Drogas. Dor, Prazer e Dependências (Drug consumption: Pain, pleasure and addictions), Lisboa: Fim de Século.

Torres, Anália, Diana Maciel, Isabel Sousa and Raquel Cruz (2009), Drogas e Prisões: 2001 – 2007 (Drugs and Prisons: 2001 – 2007), IDT.

Torres, AnáliaHelena Sant’Ana e Diana Maciel (orgs) (2015), Estudos de género numa perspectiva interdisciplinar Lisboa, Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais, ISBN 978-989-8536-46-4 

With Public Prosecutor Viriato Reis from Centre for Judicial Studies and Professor Dália Costa team member of the study “Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the workplace” , developed by CIEG-ISCSP, and promoted by CITE. Moderation by Maria João Cunha. November 29th, 2016.


Gender Studies in Debate: Pathways, challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives

Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP-ULisboa)
 University of Lisbon, 25-27th may 2016

Gender and women studies and feminisms have produced important transformations in our daily life and in our understanding of reality. While the topic of equality of rights is increasingly on the public agenda, there have been advances and retreats and persisting gender inequalities continue to challenge us to look for more solid analyses.

The Interdisciplinary Centre on Gender Studies (CIEG) wishes to contribute to the analytical deepening of these issues and invites you to participate in the International Congress of Gender Studies, on 25, 26 and 27th may 2016 under the following theme “Gender Studies in Debate: Pathways, challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives”

We count on you to address questions such as: what impact have had different gender equality policies on the effective implementation of rights? How to ensure the implementation of laws and prevent perverse effects? Power, relations of power, masculine domination and gender: which connections? Are there frontiers between activism and research, and if yes, how/where to draw them? How to balance the collective subject ‘women’ with ethnic, class, generational, sexual orientation, and global diversity? How is gender performed in daily life and in different institutions: between reproduction and agency? Heteronormativity, bodies, and sexuality: central issue for gender studies? Men and masculinities: new configurations? What backlash effects have the crisis, the increased inequalities and the neoliberal thinking had on the current life of men and women?

We also wish to bring to the debate the contributions of researchers from different parts of the world to help us reflect upon the pathways followed by gender and women studies and feminisms in their geographic, political and sociocultural contexts.

Marking its 4th anniversary, CIEG is very pleased to join the celebrations of the 110 years of Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) of University of Lisbon (ULisboa), by organizing its 1st International Congress.

The abstracts, no longer than 300 words, should clearly indicate in which research line (I, II or III) the paper should be included. The research lines to consider are the following:


Gender, feminisms and women studies

History of ideas and theories;

Contemporary theories and innovations;

Extensive and intensive methodologies and international comparative perspective.


Policies, institutions and citizenship

Public policies;

Equality, Law and righs;

Democracy and political institutions.


Gender and the construction of contemporary societies

Family, sexuality and intimate relationships;

Representations, identity and culture;

Body, health and gender violence;

Social class, inequality and values;

Work, economy and environment;

Migrations, globalization and development;


Cultural and artistic gender studies;

LGBT studies.

Abstracts should be sent until 30 november 2015 to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Deadline for notice of acceptance/rejection: 31 january 2016. 

Friday, 22 July 2016 14:28

Congress website

You can see all the information, in portuguese and in english, about the I CIEG International Congress here.

Friday, 22 July 2016 14:28

Keynote Speaker videos

Sunday, 31 July 2016 14:28

Photo Gallery - General Programme

Friday, 22 July 2016 14:28

Photo Gallery - Parallel Sessions

Thursday, 02 June 2016 17:45

Newsletter 5

tiny eng

With Regina Célia Barbosa (Instituto Maria da Penha) and Sofia Neves.