International Books

Guerreiro, Maria das Dores, Anália Torres and Luís Capucha (org.) (2009), Welfare and Everyday Life, Oeiras, Celta Editora.

Rioux, M., Pinto, Paula C. e Parekh, G. (coords.) (2015). Disability, rights monitoring and social change: Building power out of evidence. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.

Torres, Anália (coord.), Dália Costa, Helena Sant’Ana Bernardo Coelho (2016), Sexual Harrassment and Bullying in the Workplace in Portugal, Policy brief, version in English, Lisboa, CITE (in press).

Coelho, Bernardo Anália Torres, Dália Costa, Helena Sant’Ana (2016), Handbook on prevention and combat to sexual harrassment and bullying in the workplace, Lisboa, CITE (in press).