CIEG's Anniversary Conferences

CIEG’s 11th Anniversary Conference, dedicated to the theme "Student decolonial activism: Impacts on South African scholarship and gender studies in South Africa", on May 8, 2023, at ISCSP-ULisboa. The conference was attended by Professor Tamara Shefer, from University of Western Cape…
CIEG’s 10th Anniversary Conference focused on the theme “Equality and Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies – a decade of change”, on May 27th, at Auditório Óscar Soares Barata, ISCSP-ULisboa, and livestreaming on Facebook. The event gathered, physically and through Zoom,…
24 DE MAIO DE 2021  SESSÃO DE ABERTURA Anália Torres, Diretora do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género (CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa) Ricardo Ramos Pinto, Presidente do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP-ULisboa) Helena Pereira, Presidente da Fundação para a Ciência…