
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa) opens a call for granting 2 (two) PhD Research Studentships, in the area of Gender Studies, under the FCT Regulation for Studentships and Fellowships (RBI)…
International selection procedure for a principal researcher in the scientific areas of: Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Social Policy, or Social Psychology, for the exercise of research activities at the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies of ISCSP-ULisbon…
CIEG's Researcher, Joana Bessa Topa, participates in the transdisciplinary network “Women on the Move”, funded within the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).   The main goal is to show the presence and economic contribution of female migrants in European history.   …
Webinar GE-HEI – Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions, hosted by CIEG/ISCSP-ULisbon, took place on 16, 17 and 19 November 2020. The Opening Session featured João Sobrinho Teixeira (Secretary of State of Science, Technology and Higher Education), Ricardo Ramos Pinto…
The V International Congress Architecture and Gender | ACTION. Feminisms and the spatialization of resistances is the continuity of reflections organized since 2015 and mainly from southern Europe, enabling the construction of networks, research and transcontinental experiences. In this genealogy, with varied…

Discover Society

Thursday, 06 February 2020 12:50
We share the last issue of Discover Society, an online scientific journal published by Social Research Publications and coordinated by Sue Scott, John Holmwood Gurminder K. Bhambra and Alison Shaw.  This issue of Discover Society, curated by Anália Torres and Clara Oliveira,…