MIGAP - MigrAção no Porto

The MIGAP - MigrAção no Porto project is promoted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ISCSP), the Centre for Organisational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto, the University of Maia and ISCAP.

Given the expressiveness and diversity of migrants living in Greater Porto, the MIGAP project began with a first study "Migratory trends in Porto: an exploratory analysis" whose general aim is to characterise the profiles and understand the experiences of migrants living in Greater Porto. The project's specific objectives are to understand the needs and experiences of migrant populations living in Greater Porto; to identify recent migratory patterns of migrants living in Porto; and to understand the diversity of profiles and integration of migrants during the integration process.

Thus, in partnership with higher education institutions, non-governmental organisations and public institutions, the study will include collecting data from migrants in the geographical area of Greater Porto.

Coordinating the project at UMAIA and the CIEG-UMAIA centre are the following researchers:

  • Joana Topa (Coordination)
  • Estefânia Silva (Team Member)
  • Helen Cruz (Team Member)
  • Izabela Pinheiro (Team Member)
  • Mariana Holanda (Team Member)