Patrícia Santos Pedrosa


Additional Info

  • Nome Patrícia Santos Pedrosa
  • Investigador/a Full member
  • Faculdade Univ. Beira Interior
  • Universidade Univ. Beira Interior

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Architect, researcher, professor, feminist, activist, and mother. Researcher and Project Leader of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Women architects in Portugal, 1942-1986 (Portuguese Government Funding, 2018-2022).

Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ISCSP, University of Lisbon). Invited Assistant Professor (University of Beira Interior, Architecture). Co-founder and president of Women in Architecture (Portugal). Member of APEM (Portuguese Association of Women's Studies), DOCOMOMO International and AICA International (Portuguese branch), among others.

Degree in Architecture (Technical University of Lisbon, 1997), Master in History of Art (Nova University of Lisbon, 2008), PhD in Architectural Projects (Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Spain, 2010), and a postgraduate degree in Feminist Studies (University of Coimbra, 2016).

Young Researchers in Art Studies Award (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2008). Advisor of several Masters’ dissertations, Doctoral theses and Post-Doc investigations.

Primary research and reflection areas, with several books, chapters, and published articles: Architecture, Cities and Gender; Feminist urbanism; History of Architecture (20th Century: Housing and Women Architects). Lectures at events and courses in Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Italy, Brazil, USA, UK, among others.

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CIÊNCIA ID: B710-3848-0310    |     Orcid:


CV Patrícia Pedrosa