Maria João Cunha


Additional Info

  • Nome Maria João Cunha
  • Investigador/a Full member
  • Faculdade ISCSP
  • Universidade ULisboa

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PhD in Communication Sciences, specialising in Sociology of Communication, Maria João Cunha is currently an Assistant Professor at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon, where she teaches on the BA, MA and PhD in Communication Sciences, the BA in Sociology, the MA in Family and Gender and the PhD in Gender Studies.

She is an integrated researcher and co-founder of CIEG (Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies), a collaborating researcher at CAPP (Centre for Administration and Public Policies), both ISCSP Research Centres, co-coordinator of the Gender and Sexuality section of APS (Portuguese Sociology Association) and Vice-President of the "100 Violence" Children's Observatory.

She has taken part in various research projects on issues related to gender and communication, being the Deputy Coordinator of the project "Media Representations of Sensitive Publics", and is the author, among others, of the works "Mass Media and Body Image" (2008) and "Sociology of Communication" (2011).