Intimacy and Disability

The study on Intimacy and Disability had four stages. First, the examination of relevant publications on Gender Studies, Disability Studies, and Feminist Disability, with focus on papers focused on women and with an intersectional approach. During this stage, the team received intensive training on Biographic Narrative Interpretative Method and then prepared the instruments to collect primary information. The second stage comprises the field work, including biographic interviews to women with disabilities, semi structured interviews to family members and discussion panels with health professionals and NGOs’ technicians. After the preliminary data analysis, were organized regional seminaries on “Beyond Academy: the mainstreaming of Feminist Disability Studies”, aiming at the mainstreaming of Feminist Disability Studies. The third stage involves a desk-based and interpretative research. During the fourth stage, the research focused on dissemination, including an international conference with the participation of consultants and the engaged institutions. The team issued a document with good practices on the promotion of mainstreaming Feminist Disability Studies in the areas of law, social policies and civil society.



Ana Cristina Santos (Main researcher)

Ana Lúcia Santos

Bruno Sena Martins

Cecília MacDowell Santos

Cláudia Nogueira

Fernando Fontes

Paula Pinto

Lia Neves

