Break Even - Promoting Gender Equality in Business

"Break Even - Promoting Gender Equality in Business" was a project promoted by ISEG-ULisboa, Coordinated by Sara Falcão Casaca, in partnership with CESIS (Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social, Coordinated by Heloísa Perista), CIEG (Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género, ISCSP, ULisboa, Coordinated by Anália Torres) and the Centre for Gender Research, Oslo University.

The team aimed to provide companies with a highly qualified and innovative intervention approach in order to promote equality between women and men, allowing the optimization of management systems, work organization models and decision making processes as well as improving morale and organizational performance. 

It was considered that the good practices generated would eventually "contaminate" other organizations, encouraging their determination to adopt a similar intervention methodology.

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