Ariana Pinto Correia


Additional Info

  • Nome Ariana Pinto Correia
  • Investigador/a Collaborator
  • Faculdade ISMAI
  • Universidade ISMAI


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Ariana Pinto Correia holds a PhD in Psychology by Porto University, with the thesis Intimate Partner Femicide: Practices, Social Discourses and Media Narratives, under the supervision of Sofia Neves, PhD and Conceição Nogueira, PhD (SFRH/BD/131440/2017). Since 2011, has been collaborating with several academical and field projects, under the spectrum of gender violence, focusing in intimate gender violence, domestic violence, intimate partner femicide and social construction of crime.

 Recognized specialist from Gender Equality and Citizenship Commission in Gender Equality, Domestic Violence and Violence against Women. Actually is an invited assistant professor in Maia University and coordinates UNi+ Programme, that aims to prevent and fight dating violence among university students. She is also part from the founder commission of Plano I Association, an NGO based in Porto, that promotes human right under a intersectional matrix.