Dália Costa


Additional Info

  • nome Dália Costa
  • Faculdade ISCSP
  • Universidade ULisboa

Dália Costa has PhD in Sociology (Sociology of Family); Master degree in Sociology; a Post-Graduation Course in Criminal Sciences and a degree in Social Policy.

Is Assistant Professor in the School of Social and Political Sciences (www.iscsp.utl.pt). Teaches in Bachelors and Masters since 1996 in the field of Social Policy, including Criminology, Victimology, Violence in the Family, Social Services, Family and Gender, Conflict Management and Mediation, among others. Is also part of the teaching body of the PhD in Sociology (Open-http://www.sociologia-opendoc.ulisboa.pt/ Corporation) and in the PhD in Social Policy. Coordinates the Postgraduate Course of Criminology and Social Welfare, in ISCSP-ULisboa (http://iepg.iscsp.ulisboa.pt/pos-graduacoes/estudos-sociais/criminologia-e-reinsercao-social/).

Is Vice-President, co-founder and Researcher in CIEG (Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies) and Researcher at CAPP (Centre for Administration and Public Policies) – both Research Centres in which has coordinated and developed several research projects. Has several publications and participates in various seminars and conferences.

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