Women and associativism in Portugal, 1914-1974

Funded by the FCT and developed at ICS-ULisboa, the project aimed to study several women's associations that played a significant role at the political and social level from the outset of World War I until April 25, 1974.

The duration of the period under study (1914-1974), over half a century, allowed us to analyze the changes that occurred in the structures and dynamics of these associations, from different political contexts: monarchical, republican, support for the dictatorship, and clandestine, legal or semi-legal opposition to the authoritarian regime of the Estado Novo. The study of these associations seeked to contribute to the development of political history from a gender perspective. In addition, a combination of historical and sociological approaches, associated with network analysis, provided new insights into women's associations, with an emphasis on the links that might exist between the associations under study.

Manuela Tavares was a member of the project’s team.